I volunteer with 2 sister therapy dog organizations:
Comfort Pets and Inland Empire Therapy Dogs
And below I am proud and happy to introduce to you, all my Co-Therapists…we do not belong to The Paw Patrol but to The Tail Patrols…with wagging smiles. Not catching thieves but stealing hearts… bringing joy, love and hope to people of all ages: in hospitals,convalescent homes, schools, libraries, and participating in community events, always promoting the healing power of Therapy Dogs.
(In these pictures it is Kiss, my self and also traveling with us: OUR BAND: our own three stuffed pets we take to entertain the children, when doing our rounds in the hospital: 2 mini-mes: a singer chi hua hua, whom also plays the Maracas, a singer border collie and Aaron the ANTeater… he eats all the Automatic Negative Thoughts that come our way :))
This is KISS, we have been visiting together for past several years. We are known at the hospital we visit as “The Rock Stars”, as we are both named after famous rock star celebrities. We have a lot of fun together, we love each other, we share our treats, pose for pictures and only few times, have taken naps on the beds of the patients we visit…
This is between us…it is not yet a public records… Shhhhhh !
Hi fives!,
My name is Kiss and I’m an eleven year old border collie. Juanes and I are such great friends. We visit together every month with the kids at Kaiser Fontana. When I’m not doing therapy work, I love to participate in “dog sports”. My favorites are fly-ball, dock jumping, and scent work. With all that going on, I am a very busy girl.
I think us dogs have been totally forgotten by the music world. It’s been a very long time since “How Much is That Doggy in the Window” days…..it’s really time, way past time, for a doggy song update.
I would love Kiss to do a song just for us canines. Afterall, I was named after the group Kiss….I think they should be the ones to take the challenge. If they did a music video….. I would be more than happy to be their star for the shoot.
And of course……we’d all love Juanes to sing us a song……he’s got such heart to do it.
This is JET, I consider him my big brother, he watches over me and takes me for walks
He is still is still getting inspired to bark4songs 😉
Hi there Mr Famous Juanes. I am PILOT, a 3 year old Standard Pooddle and I am in training to be a service dog like my father Jet (picture above). Only I am very high strung and can’t sit still. I want Shakira to make me a dancing song so I can make my mom happy with me and I can be her dancing service dog.
May be I can also become a Zumba instructor, and you Juanes can also compose me a happy, uplifting melody. You see, now days we have an epidemic of EDD (Exercise Deficit Disorder) and I can for sure motivate people to move !
This is my good friend EMMA …we love each other …
Hi – My name is Emma. I am a rescue Bernese Mountain Dog. My first family couldn’t keep me because they were sick but now I’m in my forever dream home. I love going to schools and hospitals with my pack, Inland Empire Therapy Dogs. Our motto is, “Sharing love – leaving joy!”
I would like Rick Braun to put words to his amazing jazz hit, Emma’s Song. I know he wrote it for me but he forgot to tell the world how special therapy dogs are and their mission to help others in need.
This is my friend DOBBY … I really like this guy, but not so much when he barks at my mom, wanting her to give him my treats !
And hey Juanes, whom said only Rick can put lyrics to my song, may be you could as well… That will be an amazing gift for me and all my furry friends… will be waiting ! (with my pink glasses, so you will recognize me !)
Hello, I am DOBBY. I am a black pug that loves to eat and sleep. I’m not very brave but I would like to ask Juanes to sing us (dogs) a song. I am a dog who likes softer songs, something that I can cuddle to. Perhaps a ballad to us dogs professing our owners love for us. Don’t forget an occasional crooning of the words “Good Dog”, they are my favorite words to hear.
This is my friend WALLIE. He and DOBBY (above) are each others best friends. I like him because he reminds me of Chewbacca when his mom let’s his hair grow, I really like when he smiles.
He is still is still getting inspired to bark4songs 😉
Hello ! I am MARLO THOMAS, a Shepherd Mix, and I live with my Mumzy waaaaay up in the mountains. No one knows who my parents were; they found me walking down the railroad tracks in the high desert. I turned two last month and I feel like a big girl now; but my Mumzy says I’m still just a puppy. My Uncle’s dogs live with me; Haleigh is a Beagle, and Bleu Bayou is a “Bagel” (Basset/Beagle).
I like to visit with children at the schools, and they like me back! Sometimes I lick them behind the ears J When Mumzy takes me to “work” at the schools, we listen to Reggaeton on the way. We like reggaeton singers J Balvin (AKA Jose Alvaro Osorio Balvin) and Nicky Jam (AKA Nick Rivera Caminero). J Balvin as Juanes is also from Colombia South America, he was born in the capital of Antioquia: Medellin. Nicky Jam is an American singer and song writer, he was born in Boston, Massachusetts and I will love him to compose a song for dogs so me and my mom can sing it and bark it at the top of our lungs on our way to the top of the hill.
We also admire Santana, too… and we loved when he played with Juanes “La Flaca”. He’s been playing music since 1966. That’s 52 years! He must be the biggest rock star ever!
Anyway, I feel like all these wonderful musicians are singing their songs to me already ; after all, I AM “Man’s Best Friend” J and I know they love me very much J
When Juanes composes a song to us, I am going to invite him and Santana to the mountains to visit the kids with me. Then we will bring a couple of guitars and will sing the songs we are barking for with them. What an adventure that is going to be…will be waiting for you the greatest rock stars !
She is my friend Elliot, the sweets girl you will ever meet. I have never heard her bark !
Elliot was waiting on inspiration to write her petition to Colombian rock star Juanes and to her favorite singer and song writer…
Thanks Elliot ! we received your message just on time before Saturday, May 12, 2018 Concert of Juanes at The Forum in Inglewood, California:
Hi, my name is Elliot. I am a soft and fluffy Labradoodle girl. I am a happy pup and I am out to capture your heart with my sweetness. I think being a therapy dog is the best job ever. I bring comfort and joy to both children and adults when they look into my gentle eyes and touch my soft fur. My dog friends and I would love to hear you Juanes sing a song for us.
And I will love to have Bill Withers (William Harrison Withers Jr) american singer-songwriter and musician to compose a song for us. You know, I was name after my mom’s beloved grandma and I love his song he dedicated to his grandmother called “Grandma’s Hands”plus I was thrilled to find out his song “lovely Day” was chosen as the theme for the movie “The secret Life of Pets”…what I coincidence.. I am sure he will be happy to dedicate a a song to us !
She is my friend Sadie Ann, I think she is really cute and pretty and I know she also likes me, specially when we visit together and I wear my uniform. Once she told me: she likes males in uniform because she knows they are good at following orders.
Sadie Ann is also still waiting on inspiration to write her petition to her favorite singer and song writer and Juanes. And with her, I have learned to be patient. I know she does not like to follow orders…
Hi !, I am Sadie Ann, I got inspired to write my petition because my mom told me, she is going a concert on The Hollywood Bowl with Juanes the Colombian Rock start 9/5/2018, and she will be supporting the bark4songs cause.
I am a Terrier Mix, my mom rescued me from the streets when I was about 3 months old and less than 3 Lbs. She says I am part princess and part tom boy and she says sometimes I think I am a cat. I love to go with her everywhere, she takes me to her job. We also work as a therapy dog team, we love to visit children, adults and we feel privileged to also visit with the veterans at Loma Linda VA Hospital, we love to the express our gratitude for their service to our country.
Our favorite singer and songwriter is American Country musician legend Willie Nelson. He is also poet,actor and activist and we know of his love for dogs and we will like to thank him for speaking against canine profiling which declares certain dog breeds inherently vicious. Pit bulls and pit bull mixes,for example were automatically categorized as vicious regardless of their behaviors. He believes, “Dogs, like people, are individuals and should each be judge on his/her own merits”.
We all know pit bulls can make wonderful family pets and the law should instead target irresponsible dog owners.
He has always championed the underdog, and has been an advocate with Best Friends Animal Society to promote qualified rescue organizations. I know he will be happy to meet me someday, and I am sure he will not mind if I order him to compose me a song, since I am a the cutest tom boy princess in town.
And Juanes , my mom will be barking for songs at your concert and wishing someday as Willie Nelson you will advocate for the homeless pets in the world. I know you will. Thanks ! Sadie Ann.
He is my friend ANSEL… looking at the horizon, waiting for the sea waves sounds to bring him inspiration to sent his favorite singer/song writer and to Juanes a lovely message.
Hi ! I am BEAR, and Juanes you will have to bear with me. As with my cousin ANSEL I am still looking for inspiration to star barking 4 songs with you.
She is my friend Savannah. She is a very special dog , one of her favorites things to do is to have kids read her books and you will enjoy seeing their surprise faces when after they finish reading her a book, she jumps up goes to the table where the books are kept and retrieves a brings a new one for them to continue reading. She also enjoys riding her dad’s motorcycle and loves to go on hikes with him. She has a very busy schedule, so we will have to patiently wait until she gets the time to write her petition to Juanes and her favorite singer and song writer…
She is my friend CHELSEA whom I am soooo proud of, you will soon know why ….
Hi !, I am CHELSEA, an 8 year old Golden Retriever. My Mum and Dad rescued me when I was 5. They’ve had many Goldens before me – but Dad says I’m very special, indeed. I wasn’t behaved when Mum and Dad brought me home; I’d been living outside my entire life and I had no manners at all. People said I was destructive, and no one wanted me in their home; no one wanted me at all – except Mum and Dad. They sent me away to camp, where I learned to behave like a gentlemen’s dog. Now I get invited everywhere – Rotary meetings, to visit patients in the hospital, and I sit with children who enjoy reading to me at the schools and libraries. On May 12 I was honored by the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley with a very prestigious award – Pet Hero of 2018! I was so excited! You can see the beautiful paw-print medal they gave me in my picture!
Mum and Dad and me like to listen to the beautiful harmonies of the Bee Gees – tres hermanos from England who were very popular in the 60’s and 70’s for their disco music. When Juanes composes a song for me and my co-therapist K9 friends, I hope it has the same beautiful, tight harmonies that the Bee Gees mastered! ¡Mis amigos y yo vamos a ladrar en armonía de noche y de día!
Mum and Dad and me like to listen to the beautiful harmonies of the Bee Gees – tres hermanos from England who were very popular in the 60’s and 70’s for their disco music. When Juanes composes a song for me and my co-therapist K9 friends, I hope it has the same beautiful, tight harmonies that the Bee Gees mastered! ¡Mis amigos y yo vamos a ladrar en armonía de noche y de día!
Hello, My name is GINGER, a Mini Shnauzer. I live with my pet parents, my Mini Shnauzer husband Pepper and our Mini Shnauzer daughter Leah. I am the only hard working, bread and treat winner dog of the three, but you can meet them too if you visit this website under Juanes’ friends. I am a therapy dog and my talent is giving comfort to the people I visit at Convalescent homes, colleges, and the Veterans facilities. My mom and dad taught me to dance to entertain them, as they are also aware music is therapeutic for the body and spirit. In my dreams I have participated at Dancing with the Stars with Patrick Swayze and we have been the winners.
I also like salsa music and I have been training really hard because I am going to ask MARC ANTHONY, American singer, song writer, actor, record and television producer to pair with me so we can answer the next Casting Call for Dancing with the stars, and do not be surprise if our names are reveled for next year’s show. I am going to ask Marc Anthony for a song for dancing dogs, like me and my friend Pilot. And I know, Juanes, you are going to be so proud of me, that you too are going to want to compose a rocking salsa hit song for dogs that is going to be on the billboard Hot 100 chart for years to come, and that is not a dream !
Hi !, I am MOCHA, a very spoiled Yorkie Boy. I work as a therapy dog, tagging along following my mommy wherever we go. I love treats and my favorite activity is to sit with my grandma to watch Thailand musical shows.
I will like MODERN DOG, a Thai rock band, to compose a song for dogs, and you Juanes rock star, you could sing along the song(s) that you and the members of the Modern Dog will dedicate to us. I will be waiting…
She is my friend Maddie.
He is my friend Yogi.
He is my friend Rusty.
Here my friend Jules
Here my friend Standford.
Here my friend Sophia.
Here my friend Biscuit.
Hi ! I am Holly, a yellow lab, Greyhound Mix, I wear two hats as a therapy dog and as my dad’s service dog.
I like to learn new things, I love to play catch, explore outside, play with the water hose, go in the water at the beach and at the lakes. I work for chicken treats, they are my favorite. My favorite singer -song writer, drummer is English musician Phil Collins. I love his video “Something happened On the way to heaven”, and I will like to volunteer to be the dog in the next videos, with the new songs he and Juanes are going to dedicate to us do